The first part of this shows important features of a blog article.

The language

Self explanatory, this is required to specify the language of the acticle. Once set, the blogger could translate its article and associate the translation to its source article, making the toggle language switch from one language to another while staying on the same article.

The target audience

The recommendation here is to leave it to public. Meaning that whoever gets to view the website will also be able to see the article. If you want to make sure that the using gets authentified to view the article, you then have to choose to anything else than Public and Guest.

The moderator

Blog are submitted to moderation by the Macroscope Community administrative team. This for making sure the content being displayed follows the website rules.

The comments

The blogger has some responsibility according to what comments is displayed following its article. Nothing offencive or disgrations is to be tolerated and appropriate actions shall be taken as soon as possible regarding the innapropriate situations. 

IMPORTANT: Failure to respond in an appropriate way and in a reasonnable time will result in the website administrators to take actions regarding the so comments and may also result in the blogger loosing his/her blogging privileges.

The blog

The introduction  

Every blog, like any article has to start with an introduction. In our case the introduction has to be specified and may be repeated during the article. 

The blog introduction appears in the blog list. It has to contains a minimal information to attract visitor's attention but not too much as we don't want to display the whole article in this list.

The blogger writes his/her blog introduction and when done, clicks the "Read More" icon from the toolbar. Once done an orange bar like the following  will be displayed in the article area. 

IMPORTANT: The blog introduction is to be displayed in the blog least and won't be shown when user visite the blog itself. If you wan't this introduction to show again, you then have to repeat it after the "Read More" bar.

The article

Now with the article, you start with the introduction again by copying the same or creating a new one and go on with your article. You may include image as well.